Friday, December 19, 2008

Bring Out Your Dead

American hero, Mark Felt, has died. Was he responsible for a shift in American journalism? Or was that the journalists. It' impossible for us to remember today how much people trusted the government prior to Watergate. In the 1970's we had movies like "All the President's men" and "Serpico," which showed the corruption of our institutions. Mark Felt was at the FBI. I'm sure some people think he should have just tried to arrest the people involved in the coverup, but that would not have been possible back then.

Hal Holbrook is still alive. Mark Twain, still dead. We probably need to keep Holbrook from playing any living people...

Also passed is Majel Barrett-Roddenberry. She is best known for playing various roles on Star Trek shows, such as Nurse Chapel, the computer, Mrs. Troi and who knows what else.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Hey! I'm chagrined to say that I hadn't heard of Mrs. Roddenberry's passing. I'm glad I found this blog...

And yes, I will return your call. And a short E-mail beforehand.