Saturday, November 29, 2008

Okay, Just Maybe Consumerism is a Tiny Bit Out of Control

Yesterday, people decided to give "Black Friday" a whole new meaning as as shoppers trampled a Walmart worker to death. Let me repeat that, because although anyone reading this has heard the story, it bears repeating that shoppers trampled a Walmart worker to death. Did I mention that SHOPPERS TRAMPLED A WALMART WORKER TO DEATH? In fact, let me just put this in perspective: a newspaper in Belfast has picked up the story. That's Belfast as in capital of Northern Ireland. Call me a wide-eyed idealist, but if Northern-focking-Ireland thinks you are violent enough to mention in their newspaper, just maybe, you have a problem.

However, I'm not going to solve the issue of holiday consumerism, let me just point out a few things. I, myself, have gone out a couple times. Once, a couple years back, I went to a consumer electronics store and picked up a DVD. I waited in line for one and a half hours, and the line moved twenty feet. I got annoyed, put the DVD down where I was, went home, and went to sleep. I woke up at around 10 a.m. and thought, "Well, I might as well see whether it's still there." I went back to the store, and sure enough, there they were. I bought the DVDs, and even went to another store and got some stuff. At that point, I realize, that unless I was looking for an Xbox, I probably could get some sleep on Black Friday.

The next year, I wandered out at 10:30 and picked up some stuff. Lat year, I skipped it. This year, I was on my way to the gym at 10:50 a.m. I passed by a store, and I thought, "You know, if I can get in and out in ten minutes, then I win." And you know what, I did. And after the gym, I even went to another store and picked up some stuff there. These items were, by the way, presents, and also perhaps something for myself. Additionally, I avoided even attempted homicide.

1 comment:

Carl said...

When I was working in retail (30 years ago), a guy was crushed to death trying to buy that year's Christmas craze, a Cabbage Patch Kid.

Nothing new under the sun.